The Ponds School

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Did you know - Hidden Disabilities Sunflower

Did You Know… 

In Gatwick Airport in 2016 an advisory group worked with local and national charities to assess whether using a lanyard would benefit people living with hidden disabilities when travelling. The Hidden Disabilities Sunflower is a simple tool for you to voluntarily share that you have a disability or condition that may not be immediately apparent – and that you may need a helping hand. Since 2016 the program has expanded world wide.

Lanyards are quite frequently seen in our community, and workers in train stations, airports and busses are aware to look for them. Many other businesses have now partnered with Hidden Disabilities and they are now utilised in stadiums, and many other events, venues and shops.

Did You Know lanyards are free at many train stations or via this link: Hidden Disabilities (

More information on Hidden Disabilities is available on their website.

A symbol for non-visible disabilities, also known as hidden disabilities or invisible disabilities. (